Check out this music that really helps you to stay focused and stress free while working. See if it improves your productivity.
Staying Focused And Being 100% Present Here And Now
Here is a video I produced about a recent walk I took where I was planning to remain mindful throughout. It didn’t quite work out that way! 🙂 Check it out!
Do You Believe Things Happen For A Reason?
We are all different in the way we see things and how we respond to things. An event that happens to me might have a totally different outcome if it were to happen to you! I came across this thought provoking video and wanted to share it with you – whether you believe things happen for a reason or not I am sure you will take away something valuable from this video.
Imagine This – Is It Really Possible
When you think back to Henry Ford – he imagined the finished car and never gave up or at least he didn’t let his designers give up until they had achieved what at first had seemed something impossible. He believed he was right and didn’t give up until he proved it!
What You Do Today Has An Impact On Tomorrow
The things we do impact those around us and ourselves. Here is a moving video of exactly that.
How Much Do You Want Your Dream To Become Reality?
We all have dreams – but how much are you willing to do to make your dreams become a reality? In this video there is one quote that really struck a cord with me.
Step By Step To Business Success
I love this song by Whitney because it speaks to clearly about taking things slowly one step at a time. It is applicable in our personal lives as well as business lives.