When I first started working from home I didn’t believe I would one day have my own business. At the time I probably didn’t even want one!
Then as time goes by and people start asking you to help them with various things and want to pick your brains an idea pops into your head – “what if I started to charge for this help – others do..”
And so Begins My Official Online Information Business – Creating Information Products/Programs!
Let me state from the outset that I NEVER HAVE and I NEVER WILL attempt to do anything if it is unethical or dishonest. This has always been the case and always will – if it takes me longer then so be it. I want an honest business that I can be proud of. As a Christian this is even more important to me – I am in the end answerable to God!
1. Motivation
This is key to starting anything. The reason why you do something will determine how motivated you are to see if through. This has certainly been true for me. What motivates me is if I promise something to someone else – I don’t want to let that person down so I will do everything I can to fulfill that promise.
In my about me page I mentioned that I had promised to give a friend the first £500 of commissions I earned. This was way back when I was experimenting with affiliate marketing and therefore it took me over a year to achieve this but I kept going because I really wanted to give this gift.
So what will motivate me on this journey?
Well 2 of my friends are going back to college in September as full time mature students. They are doing this to fulfill their own dreams of a change in career. It’s a huge step as they both have mortgages to pay (neither have a partner to help out with this) and one has a son still at school, so financially it will be a massive burden. If I can help them with this then I will and that is my motivation for completing this challenge and having a successful business.
Plus, how many people are there out there who want to hear the truth about making money online and building an internet business?
How many people are there struggling, the same as I was, believing that affiliate marketing will provide a real income?
I want to reach those people and encourage them to create their own products – to build their own business.
2. Time Management
Learning to manage my time effectively will have a big impact on how quickly I progress and the pressure I put on myself. Knowing what commitments I already have and allowing time for them to be done means I know exactly what time is left to allocate to my business.
I have some spreadsheets to help with this and plan the week accordingly.
If you use firefox as your browser then you might want to check out ReminderFox really helpful – it’s a firefox addon that is like a calendar where you can add task that you want to do on certain dates. I find it particularly useful for tasks that I do often or need to do each week or month as you can set the reminder to repeat at set intervals.
3. Effective Progress
Progress is moving forward but if you have no plan then you don’t know if you are in fact moving towards your goal. Therefore by having a plan in place you can see your progress and this encourages you to keep moving forwards.
Therefore with a plan in place and my time managed effectively I shall automatically make effective progress and this in turn should bring success to myself and those I can help!