How To Add A Notification Bar At The Top Of WordPress Site

Having a notification bar at the top of your WordPress website is a great way to add a friendly call to action to your visitors. There are few options available for you to use for free. – this is the most well known one. You go to the site, add your details and then add the code that is generated, to your website.

There are also some WordPress plugins you can use too:

WPFront notification bar

Sticky notification bar

Notification bar

WordPress notification bar

Fluid notification bar

I’m going to show you how to install the WordPress WPFront notification bar plugin. I have chosen this one because it is regularly updated, has a lot of great reviews and is simple and quick to install. Also there is no link to the plugin site on the bar itself.

How To Install WordPress WPFront Notification Bar Plugin

1. In your wordpress dashboard go to ‘Plugins’ and ‘add new’.

2. Search for the plugin “wpfront notification bar” and click on install.


3. Once installed make sure that you activate it.

4. Go to the left of your dashboard and find WPFront > Notification Bar to set it up.

5. The settings are self explanatory. Keep all of the settings the same as the default setting apart from:

– where you want the bar located

– whether you want the position fixed

– if you want a close icon to be displayed at the end of the bar

6. Fill in your message and the URL that you want people to be directed to when they click on the button.

7. If you send your visitors to a squeeze page then make sure that you are able to identify where those subscribers came from so that you can track whether the notification bar is working for you or not.

8. Also make sure that the bar blends in well with your themes colour. It is best to use a different colour to your main themes colours but one that compliments it. Visit this colour calculator to see what colour is best to use with your sites main colour.


You can also add filters with the plugin and only have it showing on certain pages and posts. Also you can use it for announcing special events and set dates for when it will show.

The Results

This is what my notification bar looks like:


Have a go on your own site and see if you start getting an increase in subscribers by using a notification bar.