How to Get Traffic to Your Kindle Books

website traffic

I received an email from a subscriber recently asking me about traffic generation and in particular traffic to kindle books. I sent a reply and decided that I would turn it into a blog post as I’m sure there are others who would find this information helpful.

Why You Must Own Your Content Or Risk Everything

squidoo shutting down

The internet is forever changing. This is one of the great things about it but for information marketers it can be a constant concern. The question is “where should you put your content?”. If you used squidoo then…

5 Steps On How To Use Blog Commenting For Generating Traffic


In this article I am going to give you five steps on how you can use blog commenting for generating targeted traffic to your own website. First of all let me explain that if you are going to use blog commenting for traffic purposes it is best if you own a blog yourself so that you can truly get involved and be part of the blogging community.