Do you have a squeeze page? If so what is your conversion rate? People talk about 30-50% conversion rates being the kind of figure that you should be aiming for but how do they know that? What have they done to improve their conversion rate?
Well, I have been doing some testing of my own and have gone from a 7.89% conversion rate to a 37.33% conversion rate by implementing what I am about to share with you.
So here are some things that you can do to improve your own opt in conversion rate:
No Distractions
By definition your squeeze page should have one purpose and one purpose only – for people to opt in to your email list. Therefore there must only be one action that people can take. If you add more than one action then you give people a choice.
Choice is usually a good thing but when it comes to your squeeze page it is a bad thing. When people have a choice they become indecisive.
Clear Focus
Make sure that your opt in box is the focus on your squeeze page so that people know where they need to head to. If you have an arrow on your squeeze page then it is natural for your eyes to follow that arrow. It’s human nature as we have all had it drummed in to us at an early age – follow the arrow!
You could test to see if a flashing arrow improves things but it might not – you would need to do your own test on this.
People are not always trusting online and therefore to give an ‘unknown’ person your email address and name is not something that most people will do willingly – UNLESS there is a real benefit for them to do so!
Make sure that your squeeze page is focused on the benefit it will be to someone if they get your free gift. Make sure it is worth their while to enter their name and address. Also give assurances about respecting their privacy.
On Target
You need to make sure that your squeeze page is going to be targeted to people who actually want your free gift. If someone is not interested in your dog training ebook for example, then it does”t matter how good a job you do of highlighting the benefits – that person is not going to sign up.
Wherever you make your squeeze page visible you need to make sure that the visitor is targeted towards needing your free gift. This means that the article that you write is targeted, the ad you place is targeted, the signature you add to your forum profile is targeted, etc.
Whenever someone clicks through to your squeeze page make sure that they have come from a place of interest in what you have to offer.
Testing Testing
You have heard about testing and split testing I am sure but the truth is that you really do need to do this. If I had not done my own testing I would not have improved my own rate so dramatically.
Let me know how you get on!
- Remove distractions on your squeeze page
- Lead the eye to your opt in box
- Make your free gift relevant to your visitor
- Focus on the benefits of your free gift
- Test and keep testing
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