In this article I am going to talk about why submitting your articles to lots and lots of article directories is not worth your time and effort.
A few years ago submitting articles to hundreds of article directories was a great way to get visibility to your website and links to your website. Therefore I joined in and did the same as many others. Purchasing software that would enable me to send loads of articles to different article directories at the push of a button.
It seemed great and a really easy way of doing things. I sat back and waited to see the great results unfold. I began to see some results. Visitors to my website. Slight changes in my websites rank in the search engines.
So I started to do the same thing with a couple of my other websites.
However, there were a few websites that I didn’t use this strategy with. After a while I had a look at the results more thoroughly.
The websites that I had not used mass article submission with were doing as well as and in one case even better than my other websites – they were ranking well and getting visits.
This got me thinking. While I was thinking about this Google did an update. You can probably guess what happened. The sites that I had not used this strategy with stayed where they were. However, my other sites that had links from a whole load of article directories disappeared from the search engines.
So I spent some time looking properly at my results and analysing them.
I found that the referral traffic I was getting to the websites that I had used mass article submission with was only from a couple of article directory sites. Now, I had sent articles to hundreds of sites but I only got visitors from a couple! What a waste of effort! OK, the software was doing the submitting for me but I had spent time spinning these articles and that does take time!
I was cross with myself because not only had I been doing something that was a waste of time I had also been using a strategy that long term had caused my sites to disappear from the search engine.
If I had checked my results sooner I might have realised it was a waste of my effort and just concentrated on the couple of article directories that were bringing my sites visitors.
Instead I had believed the hype and what other people were saying was working and just gone along with it.
I learnt quite a few very important lessons from this experience.
- Always test your own results – just because something works for someone else doesn’t necessarily mean it will work exactly the same way for you.
- Don’t bother with mass article submission.
- Focus instead on submitting to a few article directories and write more articles to these few.